(Copyright - Java[at]Saindra - 2010)
Tentang Cinta
- Posted: 11/29/2008 01:22:00 pm
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- Author: Java[at]Saindra
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- Filed under: cinta, informasi, information, love
“Wahai kematian, datanglah cepat kemari, hisap dan dekap tubuhku yang penuh cinta ini” - William Shakespeare
“Bila cinta memanggilmu, ikutlah dengannya meski jalan yang kalian tempuh terjal dan mendaki” - Kahlil Gibran
Kisah cinta datang dan pergi dari masa ke masa, menyuarakan hal yang sama dengan redaksi berbeda. Silih berganti dari Layla Majnun, Tristan und Isolde, Roro Mendut dan Pronocitro, sampai Romeo and Juliet. Cerita cinta selalu meggebu dan indah, meskipun ketika kita pandang jauh dari sisi lain, kadang buta, tidak nyata dan fatamorgana.
Ya benar, kita sering bingung dalam memaknai cinta. Lauren Slater dalam National Geographic edisi 2006 mengatakan, “Sulit untuk memisahkan pembicaraan antara cinta dan penyakit mental”. Maria dalam Ayat-Ayat Cinta mengatakan dengan redaksi yang berbeda, “Cinta adalah siksaaan yang manis”.
Apakah cinta, mencintai dan dicintai adalah salah? Jawabannya adalah tidak. Cinta itu indah, cinta itu semangat dan cinta itu adalah kebahagiaan. Bahkan mungkin kekuatan kita untuk mencintai adalah titik tertinggi dari hakekat cinta (halah)
Hanya permasalahan utama dari para pemuda dan pemudi yang kebetulan sedang jatuh, menjatuhi atau dijatuhi cinta adalah ada di dua hal: salah meletakkan posisi hati dan salah mendefinisikan cinta.
Cinta berhubungan dengan hati, itu pasti, karena di dalam hati ada unsur keindahan, semangat dan kebahagiaan, maka 3 hal ini ada kemungkinan besar berhubungan dengan cinta. Banyak dari kita yang meletakkan posisi kebersamaan dan penerimaan cinta sebagai titik tertinggi dari keindahan, semangat dan kebahagiaan. Karena itu kita gusar, sedih, dan sengsara ketika cinta kita tidak diterima oleh sang pujaan hati. Dan kita sangat menderita ketika kita tidak bisa memiliki kebersamaan dengan sang kekasih tercinta. Inilah titik sentral masalah cinta ala Layla - Qais, Roro Mendut - Pronocitro, maupun Romeo - Juliet.
Menempatkan posisi kebersamaan dan penerimaan bukan sebagai titik tertinggi dari cinta adalah faktor terpenting yang membuat cinta tidak akan bisa membunuh kita . Saya selalu menempatkan posisi keindahan, semangat dan kebahagiaan saya ketika saya bisa bermanfaat untuk orang lain, mencapai suatu prestasi, dan bisa melakukan hal yang tidak bisa dilakukan orang lain. Ketika banyak orang lain berlomba-lomba untuk mencintai orang lain, bahkan dengan cinta buta, saya berusaha berdjoeang untuk mencintai diri saya sendiri. Inilah cinta dengan logika.
Mencintai diri sendiri bukan berarti banyak tidur, banyak santai, atau banyak rekreasi. Mencintai diri sendiri artinya: saya harus berprestasi, saya harus berhasil dan sukses, saya harus bermanfaat untuk orang lain, saya harus bisa membuka lapangan kerja baru, saya harus memberi beasiswa ke banyak orang, dsb. Implikasinya mungkin sangat berat, karena saya harus bekerja lebih keras, mengurangi tidur, atau mendisiplinkan diri saya sendiri. Tapi itu semua saya lakukan karena saya mencintai diri saya sendiri. Ya inilah mungkin hakekat dari ungkapan si Maria, “Cinta adalah siksaan yang manis”. Bagi saya, mencintai diri sendiri adalah modal penting dalam kesuksesan mencintai orang lain.
Kebersamaan dan penerimaan bukan sesuatu yang selalu membahagiakan saya. Kadang saya secara fisik harus meninggalkan semua orang yang saya kasihi dan cintai. Kadang saya harus bersikap keras kepada para pedjoeang saya, kepada sahabat saya dan bahkan kepada istri dan anak-anak saya, sehingga sering mereka sulit memahami dan menerima saya. Tapi itu semua saya lakukan karena cinta saya yang teramat sangat kepada mereka, saya tidak ingin mereka gagal, saya ingin semua orang bisa berhasil, dan memberi manfaat kepada orang lain dengan lebih baik. Dan inilah cara saya menghembuskan ayat-ayat cinta kepada mereka
Meskipun sebenarnya ada kebersamaan dan penerimaan cinta yang selalu saya bahagiakan dan harapkan, yaitu dari Sang Penguasa Alam dan Pemilik Jagad Raya. Inilah koridor penting jalan cinta kita, ingat bahwa cinta mati hanya milik-NYA sang penguasa jagad raya bukan untuk makhluk-NYA.
Kesalahan kedua yang sering kita lakukan adalah kesalahan memahami definisi dan paradigma cinta. Banyak penelitian tentang cinta dilakukan. Salah satu yang cukup terkenal adalah formula cinta dari Robert J Sternberg: A Triangular Theory of Love (Teori Segitiga Cinta).
Menurut Sternberg, jenis cinta tergantung dari sifat hubungan kita dengan orang lain. Komitmen saja tanpa gairah dan keakraban adalah Cinta Kosong. Gairah saja tanpa dua unsur yang lain artinya tergila-gila. komitmen dan keakraban tanpa gairah menjadikan persepsi cinta sebagai Cinta Persahabatan. Keakraban dan gairah tanpa komitmen membuat Cinta Romantis. Sedangkan komitmen dan gairah tanpa keakraban menyebabkan Cinta Buta. Ketika kita berhasil menyatukan komitmen, gairah dan keakraban maka akan terjadi Cinta Sempurna.
Banyak yang masih meragukan teori ini bisa berlaku valid untuk semua jenis hubungan cinta, misalnya cinta seorang anak kepada ibunya dan sebaliknya. Hasil penelitian dari Lauren Slater juga mengisyaratkan bahwa susunan kimia otak pemicu romantika, ternyata tidak ada hubungannya dengan komitmen yang memupuk kelekatan jangka panjang. Salim A Fillah, penulis buku Jalan Cinta Para Pejuang, mengatakan bahwa Komitmen adalah sudut kunci dalam teori cinta Robert J Sternberg. Komitmen adalah ikrar kerelaan berkorban, memberi dan bukan meminta, berinisiatif tanpa menunggu dan memahami bukan menuntut.
Sebagian masalah cinta mungkin bisa terwakili oleh Teori Segitiga Cinta-nya Sternberg. Tapi kalau kita coba simpulkan dari berbagai referensi lain, dari pandangan Slater, Salim A Fillah dan Anis Matta lewat seri cinta dan pahlawannya di majalah Tarbawi. Cinta Sempurna adalah suatu proses panjang, hasil dari cinta kasih dua manusia yang terjalin dalam suatu hubungan yang sah. Cinta Sempurna bukanlah cinta pada pandangan pertama, karena itu mungkin hanya suatu gairah atau ketergila-gilaan, istilahnya Slater. Cinta Sempurna juga bukan cinta lokasi, cinta monyet, cinta jadi-jadian, cinta karena fisik atau cinta karena harta dan tahta. Cinta Sempurna adalah hasil suatu perjuangan panjang. Hasil dari kekuatan kita untuk menyelesaikan masalah perbedaan, memahami kekurangan dan kelebihan, merekatkan hati dan komitmen untuk tetap ada di jalanNya.
Mudah-mudahan ketika terjadi penolakan cinta, kita berani berikrar dengan gagah, ”Lupakan dirimu dan aku akan kembali padaNya”. Catat bahwa huruf N untuk Nya itu harus kapital Jangan lupa ubah genjrengan gitar kita dari lagu kenangan kisah cinta, ke lagu: Menghapus Jejakmu (Peterpan), Baiknya (Ada Band), Musnah (Andra and The Backbone), atau Aku Bukan Untukmu (Rossa) hihihi …
Resapi dua syair ini:
Baiknya semua kenangan yang terindah, tak ku balut dengan tangis
Baiknya setiap kerinduan, yang merajam tak kuratapi penuh penyesalan
copyright - javaatsaindra.blogspot.com - OSC

Learning a Simple Chinese Language - Part 3
- Posted: 11/28/2008 11:20:00 am
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- Author: Java[at]Saindra
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- Filed under: bahasa cina, belajar, china language, learning
- tai ku (thai ku) terlalu pahit
- tai sheng (thai sheng) terlalau mentah
- tai xian (thai xien) terlalu asin
- tai tian (thai thien) terlalu manis
- tai jian wan (thai cien wan) terlalu keras
- tai shense (thai shense) terlalu gelap
- tai chang (thai chang) terlalu panjang
- tai song (thai song) terlalu longgar
- tai jin (thai cin) terlalu ketat
- pian yi dian (pien yi tien) lebih murah
- da yi dian (ta yi tien) lebih besar sedikit
- xiao yi dian (siao yi tien) lebih kecil
- qiu tian (ciu tien) autumn
- chun tian (chun tian) spring
- xia tian (xia tien) summer
- dong tian (tong tien) winter
- listen to me (ting wo)
- don't forget (bu yao wang)
- i agree!!! (zantong)
- i agree ( wo tong yi)
- lets go (wo men qu ba)
- lets go in (wo men jinqu ba)
- shut up (bu shuo)
- don't laugh (bu yao xiao)
- i understand (wo dong)
- i am sorry (dui bu qi)
- i am sure (wo shi kending)
- do u know? (ni zhi dai ma)
- i know (wo zhidao)
- i don't know (wo bu zhi dao)
- i remember (wo jizhu)
- i don't have time (wo meiyo shijian)
- i don't know yet (wo hai bu zhi dao)
- not yet (hai mei yo)
- may i join?? (wo ke yi he ni ichi ma)
- yes sir (shi, xiansheng)
- yes please (shi, qing)
- never mind (bu yao jin)
- no, thank you (bu, xie xie)
- thank for your kindness (xie xie ni de hao yi)
- good luck (zhu hao yun)
- happy birthday (sheng ri kuaile)
- happy new year (xin nian kuaile)
- i am very happy pleased to meet u (wo hen gao xin jian dao ni)
- u are very kind (ni tai ke qi le)
- please sit down (qing zuo)
- wait a moment (qing deng yi deng)
- one moment (yi xia)
copyright - javaatsaindra.blogspot.com - OSC

Learning a Simple Chinese Language - Part 2
- Posted: 11/27/2008 12:12:00 pm
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- Author: Java[at]Saindra
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- Filed under: bahasa cina, belajar, china language, learning
- sekarang = xian zai ÏÖÔÚ
- pagi = zao shang ÔçÉÏ
- siang = zhong wu ÖÐÎç
- sore = xia wu ÏÂÎç
- malam = wanshang ÍíÉÏ
- hari ini = jin tian ½ñÌì
- besok = ming tian Ã÷Ìì
- besok lusa = hou tian ºóÌì
- kemaren = zuo tian ×òÌì
- kemarin lusa = qian tian Ç°Ìì
- minggu ini = zhe ge li bai
- minggu lalu = shang ge li bai
- minggu depan = xia ge li bai
- bulan ini = zhi ge yi
- jam1 = yi dian Ò»µã, tinggal d tambah dian aja di belakangnya
- menit = fen zhong ·ÖÖÓ
- jam 1.10 = yi dian shi fen zhong, tapi untuk menit tertentu ada kata lainnya
- 1.15 menit = yi ke Ò»¿Ì
- 2.30 menit = ban °ë
- 3.45 menit = san ke Èý¿Ì
copyright - javaatsaindra.blogspot.com - OSC

Learning a Simple Chinese Language - Part 1
- Posted: 11/26/2008 01:05:00 pm
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- Author: Java[at]Saindra
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- Filed under: bahasa cina, belajar, china language, learning
Nama hari d tambah xing qi depannya ksananya sama kayak hitungan urutan nomer Nama Bulan : 1. Januari yi yue һ�� Seterusnya juga kayak gitu pake urutan nomer cuma tinggal tambah yue d belakangnya. Nama Tahun : (nian (��) bacanya nien tinggal pake sebutan angka d belakangnya d tambah nian Lainnya :
copyright - javaatsaindra.blogspot.com - OSC
How To Make "Continue Reading" in Your Blog
- Posted: 11/25/2008 10:19:00 pm
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- Author: Java[at]Saindra
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- Filed under: blogging, continue reading, see more, selengkapnya, tips, tips and trick, tips dan trik, trick
Continue reading links are great because they
- Shorten your pages.
- Allow readers to choose an article they'd like to read.
How to do continue reading Entries in Blogger
Part 1 - Placing coding in the "Head" Tag.
1. Click Here to copy the code below.

2. Paste the code from the above box into Notepad or Word.
3. Go to your Blogger Edit Html Area.
3A. How to get to the Blogger Edit Html Area
3-2. Then click the layout tab.
3-3. Then click the Edit Html button right under the layout tab.
3a. Just above the boxed in HTML
3b. On the far right side.
4. In your Edit HTML Box find the tag.
4-2. In the find box type in and hit the next button.
5. Copy and paste the code in notepad just above the tag.
*Keep this page open for the next step!*
Part 2 - Placing coding "data:post.body" tag.
1. Click here to copy the code below.

2. Paste the code from the above box into Notepad or Word.
3. In your Edit HTML Box find the tag.
3-2. In the find box type in and hit the next button.
4. Copy and paste the code in notepad just below the tag.
*SAVE your Template*
Part 3 - Placing code into the post itself.
1. Copy the code from the box below
2. Paste the code from the above box into your blog post.
3. "First part of your post" - Seen on front page
4. "Rest of Entry goes here" - Seen after you click Continue Entry.
Part 4 - In Closing
This post available at :
copyright - javaatsaindra.blogspot.com - OSC

How can succulents go days without water?
- Posted: 11/24/2008 11:58:00 pm
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- Author: Java[at]Saindra
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- Filed under: informasi, information
How can succulents go days without water?

EIGHTFISH/Riser/Getty Images
This cactus is an example of a succulent. Cacti are the largest family of succulents, but they aren't the only ones -- close to 30 plants families have succulents around the super table. See more pictures of cacti.
From wriggling amoebas to roving rhinos, delicate dandelions to majestic redwoods, everything that lives on Earth needs one superstar element to survive: water. Luckily for us, water is abundant on the planet -- the catch is that it's not evenly distributed.
If life is anything, it's tenacious. Over time organisms have evolved to fill even the most barren ecological niches. The microbes commonly referred to as extremophiles, are a great example. Thermophiles like it nice and toasty, halophiles think super-salty is the way to go and nothing will do for psychrophiles but the big chill.
In the case of plants, there's a special set known as xerophytes, which have evolved to survive in climates where water is extremely scarce. And among the xerophytes, we find an assembly of plants called succulents. The term succulent (and xerophyte for that matter) doesn't denote a traditional taxonomic group, however. Rather, succulents are diverse plants share common adaptations for making the most of every bit of water they can get. It's also important to note that the line between succulent plants and ordinary plants is not cut and dry. On a short-term basis, all plants are generally able to do what succulents are so renowned for -- it's just that succulents take things to a whole other level.
Water & Survival |
The succulent that probably springs to mind most readily is the cactus, although there are succulents in a wide variety of plant families. You might imagine succulents only inhabit wind-swept arid desert regions where little else can grow, but that's not the case. Succulents are abundant in a variety of locales. You can find them growing in the upper reaches of tropical rain forests, rooted to high-rise patches of moss or bark where the competition for water is fierce. You can find them in lofty mountainous regions where cold weather, severe winds and rocky soil make finding moisture a challenge. You can even find them on the shores of salty bodies of water, where brackish conditions hinder normal botanical water routines.
It's worth noting, too, that succulents aren't superheroes -- there are some regions where the desert conditions are so extreme that only the most hardcore xerophytes can survive. While succulents are champions at water collection and conservation, most need at least a few inches of rain annually to get by. There are a few other exceptions as well. In some places, deserts spring up too quickly for local plants to evolve and in others, the plants just find other ways to adapt.
Now that we've got the basics down, continue on to the next pages for the dirt on how these plants are able to get by with such tiny amounts of water.
Over millions of years, as the planet's land and climate have altered, so too have the plants that pepper that landscape. For example, millions of years ago, continents drifted and mountain ranges slowly rose out of vast prehistoric jungles, blocking air currents and altering the climate. Seasons developed, so did climatic belts. In many parts of the world, water gradually became a scarce commodity.
Succulents eventually rose to take over the wastelands where little else could live. They're champs at quickly gathering any water that comes their way, storing it for future use and protecting it from thirsty visitors.

John Glover/GAP Photos/Getty Images
In the market for a succulent? Get some advice -- and don't make the rookie mistake of never watering it. Succulents know all about conserving water but they still need some from time to time, especially during their growing season.
Although succulents can vary greatly in appearance, they share a number of basic fundamental characteristics. The most important of these is the succulent's ability to store water, from which its name is derived. Plants all have a certain degree of succulence. But succulents took this talent to new heights -- some can store years' worth of water in either their stems, roots or leaves for times of severe drought. Think of the wide stem of a saguaro cactus or the thick fleshy leaves of an aloe plant, and you're basically looking at an expandable botanical rain barrel.
But how are they going to collect any water in all those wild environments they inhabit? Many succulents have fantastic root systems completely specialized for their environments. In mountain regions, roots often dig down deep to harvest any subterranean water sources. But up on the plains, their roots are often broadly spread but incredibly shallow in order to catch any moisture that might lick the surface of the land, such as morning dew.
Plants wage a constant battle to get all the nutrients they need in order to function. Besides water, they also need sunlight and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. The CO2 comes in through diffusion so most plants have a huge number of pores, called stomata, to coax it in. But at the same time the sun is providing them with the energy they need to perform photosynthesis, it's also evaporating water (a process that in plants is called transpiration) through the exposed stomata. It's a difficult tightrope to walk, so succulents have managed to get themselves a safety harness.
Most plant species are hardwired to open their stomata wide when they sense certain triggers like sunlight -- a bad idea for plants trained to carefully avoid any water loss. It does have the benefit of temporarily maximizing photosynthesis, but succulents just don't have that luxury, one of the reasons they're typically slow-growing plants. Succulents bypass this hang-up by opening their stomata at night, which decreases transpiration and retains precious water. This means they've had to develop a special type of metabolism called Crassulacean acid metabolism (or CAM). With the CAM method, plants can take in CO2 during the night and store it to use for photosynthesis the next day.
Another important difference? In regular plants the stomata are sized like dense freeways; in succulents, they're not more than sparse two-lane country roads. So not only do they open at more opportune times, they're smaller when they do. Thirdly, succulent stomata are less numerous and are sunk down deep in leaves and stems, usually protected by a thick outer skin and various other features such as waxes, resins, hairs and needles to further decrease transpiration and retain water.
We're almost there, but we still have a bit of evolving to do before we're full-fledged succulents. On the next page we'll find out other reasons why succulents grow so slowly and how they prevent themselves from becoming the desert's version of a drinking fountain.
Succulent Shape: The Desert's Drinking Fountain
Another piece of the equation to keep in mind is how succulents receive sunlight, because there's a catch-22 here. They're often reducing their surface area to minimize water loss, especially in the stem succulents, but they're also reducing how much sunlight they can catch to motor their photosynthesis. This is why many succulents have such fun shapes -- rippled and ridged surfaces, crazy knobs and lumpy protrusions. These extensions, as well as adaptations to the stems, increase their ability to process sunlight, helping some types of succulents hang on. The shapes of succulents also typically vary depending on how much water the plants currently contain -- they expand when water is plentiful and contract when it's not. In some, ties with roots and other growths are severed when times get tough. Succulents can't afford to get sentimental.

Jamie Grill/Tetra Images/Getty Images
Those spines are certainly going to help discourage thirsty predators -- but are they serving other functions as well?
When discussing succulents, it's important to understand how all the extensive adaptations they underwent to survive where water is scarce impacted them across the board. Their special metabolism and distinctive shapes are two aspects. Another example is how they grow. Many grow low to the ground -- practically burying themselves in order to avoid the harsh sunlight. Others are all about the shade; they enjoy living in someone else's shadow, especially if it's a well-placed rock or other form of shelter. Their rate of growth is also affected in several ways. For instance, plants get nutrients from the soil. (Ever buy a bag of fertilizer? Then you know what we're talking about.) But beyond that, plants need moisture to soak up all those yummy nutrients. This means that in terms of growth, succulents are the turtle in the race, not the hare. But hey, whatever works, right?
Another important factor with succulents is protection. Succulents are basically botanical water bottles, they thrive where others thirst. So how do they defend themselves against the dehydrated masses? If you've ever had the misfortune of bumping into a cactus, you've had a preview of how they pull this off. Spines and spikes, thick armored skin, yucky and sometimes poisonous juices are all among the defenses succulents have developed to keep meddlers away. Some of these protective measures even double up as rainwater collection devices -- like hollow spines that can slide water right inside.
In a rough-and-tumble environment, with the necessities for life few and far between, getting together for a date can be a bit of a challenge. Another way succulents are set up to survive is that many are self-propagating, whether through seeds or actual little plants all ready to go. Also, if you knock a chunk off a succulent, that piece can typically take root and start growing on its own fairly easily -- handy if the plant is in a place that suffers strong weather.
Whichever way you look at it, succulents are well armed to live days, months, and sometimes even years without a single fresh sip of water. They might not look like some of their non-succulent relatives, but they've got the right stuff to live where water is scarce. On the next page, you'll find lots more links about water, weather and all sorts of plants.
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About Greenpeace
- Posted: 11/23/2008 12:36:00 pm
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- Author: Java[at]Saindra
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- Filed under: informasi, information
Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action.
Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organisation that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace by:
Greenpeace is present in 40 countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific.
To maintain its independence, Greenpeace does not accept donations from governments or corporations but relies on contributions from individual supporters and foundation grants.
Greenpeace has been campaigning against environmental degradation since 1971 when a small boat of volunteers and journalists sailed into Amchitka, an area north of Alaska where the US Government was conducting underground nuclear tests. This tradition of 'bearing witness' in a non-violent manner continues today, and our ships are an important part of all our campaign work.
We exist to expose environmental criminals, and to challenge government and corporations when they fail to live up to their mandate to safeguard our environment and our future.
In pursuing our mission, we have no permanent allies or enemies. We promote open, informed debate about society's environmental choices. We use research, lobbying, and quiet diplomacy to pursue our goals, as well as high-profile, non-violent conflict to raise the level and quality of public debate.
And we believe that the struggle to preserve the future of our planet is not about us. It's about you. Greenpeace speaks for 2.8 million supporters worldwide, and encourages many millions more than that to take action every day.
We take the name of our flagship, the Rainbow Warrior, from a North American Cree Indian legend. It described a time when humanity's greed has made the Earth sick. At that time, a tribe of people known as the Warriors of the Rainbow would rise up to defend her.
As one of the longest banners we've ever made summed things up, "When the last tree is cut, the last river poisoned, and the last fish dead, we will discover that we can't eat money..."
Greenpeace Histories

2008 sees the 10th anniversary of the Antarctic Environmental (Madrid) Protocol, a milestone victory in environmental protection. Greenpeace campaigned for over 15 years to focus world attention on Antarctica and reversed a decision made by Antarctic Treaty Nations to allow mining in the world's last untouched continent.
Enlarge ImageSeptember 2008: Six Greenpeace UK volunteers are acquitted of criminal damage by a Crown Court jury in a case that centred on the contribution made to climate change by burning coal. The charges arose after the six attempted to shut down the Kingsnorth coal-fired power station in Kent in 2007 by scaling the chimney and painting the Prime Minister's name down the side. The defendants pleaded 'not guilty' and relied in court on the defence of 'lawful excuse' - claiming they shut the power station in order to defend property of a greater value from the global impact of climate change. The landmark case marks the first victory of the 'lawful excuse' defense in a climate-change case in Britain. More
August 2008: After our campaign in the 1990's against toxic PVC the US Congress somewhat belatedly follows Europe's lead of outlawing toxic PVC in children's toys. More
July 2008: Ferrero (famous for its Nutella brand) becomes the latest large palm oil user to changes its position to support a moratorium on cutting down trees in Indonesia for palm oil plantations. More
May 2008: After just three weeks of actions, a hugely popular spoof advert and 115,000 online signatures Unilever changes its position to support a moratorium on cutting down trees in Indonesia for palm oil plantations. More
March 2008: After a campaign in Argentina, the Government announces a ban on energy wasting incandescent lightbulbs. More
December 2007: The World Bank's private lending arm, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) decides to sell its equity stake in Olam International Limited. Olam's involvement in illegal timber trade was first detailed in our Carving up the Congo report published earlier this year. The report illustrated how Olam was holding forest land in the Congo granted in breach of a moratorium on the granting of new logging titles, which the World Bank itself had helped to establish. It also described how Olam was sourcing timber from destructive and illegal operations through de-facto subcontracting agreements with third-party suppliers involved in illegal logging. More. The Arctic Sunrise campaigning for the extractive reserves in 2003. The announcement by the Brazilian government to create 2 million hectares of extractive reserve is a major victory for our campaign.
December 2007: The Irish Government announces what will be the EU's first ban on energy-wasting incandescent lightbulbs, by as early as January 2009. This simple but historic step came as governments met in Bali to discuss next steps on tackling the global climate emergency. Over the past year, a number of EU countries have talked about similar bans, but Ireland is the first to act. More.
November 2007: Together with other environmental groups, Greenpeace gets 1.5 million signatures of support and pushes through Argentina's first federal forest protection law. The new law includes a nationwide one-year moratorium on clearing of native forests while forest management regulations are put in place. After a year, any jurisdiction still lacking regulations will continue to be prohibited from issuing new logging and land clearing permits. The Forest Law also establishes environmental impact studies and public hearings - measures that will help protect forests where indigenous people live and small scale farmers. More.
May 2007: After four years of Greenpeace campaigning to bring an end to deep-sea bottom trawling, representatives from countries around the world gathered in Chile to carve out a fisheries agreement for the South Pacific region, protecting it from this incredibly destructive fishing method. From September 2007, bottom trawling vessels in the region will not be able to fish in areas that have, or are even likely to have, vulnerable marine ecosystems unless they complete an assessment showing that no damage will be caused. More.
May 2, 2007: Apple announces a phase-out of the most dangerous chemicals in its product line in response to a Webby-award winning online campaign by Greenpeace and Apple fans worldwide. The campaign challenged Apple to become a green leader in addressing the electronic waste problem. More.
March 7, 2007: The New Zealand government announces cancellation of proposed coal-burning power plant Marsden B. Greenpeace and local activists had mounted a four-year struggle which involved a nine-day occupation, high court challenges, protest marches, a record numbers of public submissions, Surfers Against Sulphur, public meetings, and a pirate radio station. More.
February 15, 2007: In a major blow to the UK government's plans to reinvigorate nuclear power, the High Court rules their decision to back a programme of new nuclear power stations was unlawful on the basis that they had failed to adequately consult citizens and groups who oppose nuclear power as a dangerous distraction from real solutions to climate change. More.
September 27, 2006: Estonia launches an investigation into the Probo Koala following three days of blockade by the Greenpeace vessel Arctic Sunrise. It is the first official action against the ship, which poisoned thousands and killed eight in the Ivory Coast when it dumped a cargo of toxic waste that had been refused by the Netherlands. After dumping its deadly cargo, the ship simply sailed to Estonia unhindered until Greenpeace took action. More.
July 25, 2006: McDonald's agrees to stop selling chicken fed on soya grown in newly deforested areas of the Amazon rainforest, then becomes instrumental in getting other food companies and supermarkets, such as Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury's, ASDA and Waitrose, to sign up to a zero deforestation policy as well. But it goes even further than that, and pressure from all these companies forces their suppliers, the big multinational soya companies such as Cargill, to agree a two-year moratorium on buying soya from newly deforested areas. More.
June 26, 2006: Dell becomes the latest company to promise to remove the worst toxic chemicals from it products, closely following the move of its rival HP. Both companies have been pressured by us to make their products greener and help tackle the growing mountain of toxic e-waste. More
May 31, 2006: Despite heavy lobbying by the nuclear power industry, Spain has confirmed that the country's 8 operating plants will be phased out in favour of clean, renewable energy. Spain joins Sweden, Germany, Italy and Belgium as the fifth European country to abandon nuclear power. More.
April 3, 2006: After months of pressure, consumer actions, online activism and more than 100,000 emails from Ocean Defenders everywhere, seafood suppliers Gorton's, Sealord and parent company Nissui withdraw their active support for Japanese whaling. Whalers announce that the 32 percent share in whaling operations owned by these commercial corporations will be transferred to a "public interest entity." The retreat isolates whaling economically and probably scuppers plans to find new markets for whale products. More
March 9, 2006: Electronics giant Hewlett Packard commits to a phase out plan for a range of hazardous chemicals in its products. More
February 16, 2006: French President Chirac announced the dramatic recall of the asbestos-laden warship Clemenceau -- it will be turning around and going back to France. Our actions, emails to Chirac and an embarrassing international scandal left France with little choice but to abandon the misguided attempt to dump its own toxic mess on India. More
February 14, 2006: An area twice the size of Belgium has been given greater protection in the Amazon after a Presidential decree. The decree by President Lula of Brazil to create the 6.4 million hectare (around 16 million acres) conservation area is a great victory for the people of the Amazon battling landgrabbers, cattle ranchers and loggers. The decree calls for around 1.6 million hectares to be permanently protected and totally off limits to logging and deforestation. More
February 7, 2006: Take ten years of difficult, dangerous, and at times, heartbreaking work. Add thousands of activists from around the world -- some who sent emails, some who stood on the blockades, some who voted against destruction with their wallets. Some who were beaten, some who were sued, some who were arrested. But eventually common sense has prevailed and one of the world's treasures, the Great Bear Rainforest, is saved from destruction. More
January 13, 2006: Our Argentine Ocean Defenders hit Nissui in their pockets. Nissui own about one third of Kyodo Senpaku -- the people who run the Japanese whaling fleet. Our cyberactivists convinced a major Nissui client in Argentina not to buy from a corporation involved in the killing of whales. More
Noveber 28, 2005 - Swiss voters vote no in a referendum to determine whether genetically engineered (GE) crops and animals can be grown in the alpine nation during the next five years. Their verdict in each and every one of the three main languages was the same, nein, non, no, to GE. More
November 24, 2005 - The city of Buenos Aires announces plans to implement a zero waste policy after a campaign by Greenpeace in Argentina. The plan aims to reduce dramatically the 4-5000 tonnes of waste the city dumps every day. Buenos Aires is the largest city so far to announce a zero waste plan. More
27 October, 2005 - The intervention of some home-grown celebrities to finally tips the balance in favour of protecting the forests of northern Argentina after a long fight by Greenpeace and the indigenous Wichi people. More
October 4, 2005 - Electronics giant Motorola and health and body care companies L'Occitane, Melvitacosm and Alqvimia are the latest companies to drop the most toxic chemicals from their products. More
August 17, 2005 - Electronics giant LG announces that it is committing to eliminating toxic chemicals from their entire consumer electronics range. More
July 5 , 2005 - Bad Barbies, toxic Teletubbies and rotten rubber ducks could have been slowly poisoning small children. The very chemicals that made these toys so soft and tempting to teething toddlers have been shown to damage organs in animals. But the European Parliament has banned manufacturers from using six of these toxic chemicals, freeing Europe from many toxic toys for good. More
April 29, 2005: Sony Ericsson announces that it will be phasing toxic chemicals out of its products. This is the result of the thousands of participants in our online action to pressure electronics companies to come clean. Sony Ericsson joins Samsung, Nokia and Sony as electronics companies who are phasing toxic chemicals out of all their products. More.
March 22, 2005: Photocopy giant Xerox agrees to stop buying timber pulp from StoraEnso, the Finnish national logging company which is cutting down one of Europe's last remaining ancient forests. Following pressure by Greenpeace cyberactivists, the company agrees a new procurement policy, ensuring that suppliers do not source timber from 'old-growth forests, conservation areas or other areas designated for protection.' More
November 4, 2004: Bayer conceded to Greenpeace India that ALL its projects on genetically engineered (GE) crops have been "discontinued" in a letter sent by Aloke V. Pradhan, head of Bayer's Corporate Communications in India. This announcement followed earlier actions by Greenpeace outside Bayer's headoffice in Mumbai. More
October 29, 2004: MQ Publications (MQP) in the UK becomes the first UK publisher to publicly announce its collaboration with the Greenpeace Book Campaign. MQP has committed to phasing out paper that is not 'ancient forest friendly'. Their next five books, including 'The Armchair Environmentalist' will be printed on 100 percent recycled paper. They have also publicly challenged all UK publishers to follow suit. More
October 29, 2004: Greenpeace efforts to achieve tighter controls on the notorious shipbreaking industry result in an international agreement to treat obsolete ships as waste. Treaty committments by 163 nations can be expected to increase demands for decontamination of ships prior to export to the principle shipbreaking countries of India, Bangladesh, and Turkey. It will also create new demand for the development of "green" ship recycling capacity in developed countries. More
October 22, 2004: A decade of lobbying, scientific research, and direct non-violent action by Greenpeace and environmental groups around the world comes to fruition as Russia ratifies the Kyoto Protocol, bringing to force the world's sole global effo rt to address the dangers of global warming. More
September 30, 2004: Cyberactivists in Japan halt introduction of recycling-unfriendly and unreturnable plastic bottles when beer manufacture Asahi bows to citizen pressure. More
September 1, 2004: Ford Europe announce a reversal of the decision to scrap its fleet of fuel efficient electric Th!nK City cars, and instead investigate sending them to eager customers in Norway. Pressure applied by Greenpeace and web-based cyberactivists convinced Ford to Th!nk Again. When charged by electricity from renewable sources, these cars help fight the biggest threat to our planet: climate change. More
July 20, 2004: Queensland Energy Resources announce an end to the Stuart Shale Oil Project in Australia. Greenpeace campaigned against the project, which would have produced oil with four times the greenhouse impact as oil from the ground, since 1998. The project cost millions of dollars in government subsidies which should have been spent on renewable energy. More
June 22, 2004: Unilever, Coca Cola and McDonalds promise to phase out climate-killing chemicals in their refrigeration equipment. In 1992 Greenpeace launched Greenfreeze with the help of two scientists who pointed out how to avoid HFC's altogether. We found an old fridge factory, appealed to our supporters to pre-order enough units to finance a refit, helped build the market and Greenfreeze was born. Today there are over 100 million Greenfreeze refrigerators in the world, produced by all the major European, Chinese, Japanese and Indian manufacturers. More
June 17, 2004: Consumer power scored a victory following the announcement from electronics giant Samsung that it plans to phase out hazardous chemicals in its products. Seeing its brand-name products graded red - as containing hazardous chemicals - on the Greenpeace database, prompted the company to do the right thing on dangerous chemicals. More
June 10, 2004: Publishers of 34 Canadian magazines pledged to shift away from paper containing tree fibre from Canada's ancient forests thanks to ongoing pressure from the Markets Initiative coalition, of which Greenpeace Canada has a key role. The coalition has similar commitments from 71 Canadian book publishers including the Canadian publisher of Harry Potter, which printed the Order of the Phoenix on AFF paper in June 2003. Greenpeace Canada's work to protect its forests also encouraged Cascades, as the second largest producer of tissue products in Canada to commit to an Ancient Forest-Friendly purchasing policy.
June 1, 2004: Iceland steps back from plans to kill 500 minke, sei, and fin whales over two years, announcing a quota of only 25 minkes for the year. Greenpeace web activists fueled domestic opposition by gathering 50,000 worldwide signatures to a pledge to visit Iceland if the government would stop whaling. With a potential value of more than US$ 60 million in tourist spend, against a whaling programme which generated 3-4 million in profits, the pledge dramatically illustrated that whales are worth more to Iceland alive than dead. More
May 11, 2004: Thanks to years of pressure from environmental groups, the consumers, our cyberactivists and Greenpeace, we can celebrate a victory for the environment following the announcement by Monsanto that it would suspend further development or open field trials of its genetically engineered, Roundup Ready wheat. Monsanto stated that it was defering all further efforts to introduce the crop and that it was discontinuing breeding and field-level research of the wheat. This follows a similar announcement in 2003 when the company announced its withdrawal from the development of pharmaceutical crops. More
April 2, 2004: The UN International Maritime Organisation (IMO) designate the Baltic sea as a "Particularly Sensitive Sea Area," a decision which Greenpeace advocated for years. The IMO regulates shipping worldwide, and the new designation means tougher restrictions on oil tankers and other dangerous cargo vessels. The move was vehemently opposed by the shipping and oil industries. More
March 31, 2004: Following the controversial UK government approval of genetically engineered (GE) maize for commercial planting, the only company authorized to grow GE maize withdraws its application. In a victory for activists and consumers across Europe who lobbyed for tougher legislation and boycotted GE products, Bayer CropScience, a German company authorised to plant an herbicide-resistant variety of maize known as Chardon LL, said regulations on how and where the crop could be planted would make it "economically non-viable." Chardon LL was the crop pulled up by Greenpeace UK activists in 1999. The activists were acquitted of charges of criminal damage when the court agreed they were acting in the interest of protecting the environment.More
February 18, 2004: The Stockholm Convention comes into force following years of lobbying by Greenpeace and other environmental organisations. A key feature of the Convention calls for the elimination of all Persistent Organic Pollutants. They include intentionally produced chemicals, such as pesticides and PCBs, as well as by-products such as cancer-causing dioxins that are released from industries that use chlorine and from waste incinerators.More
Culture jamming the Esso logo at the entrance to a large station near the Germany-Luxembourg border in Wasserbillig.
November 2003: Thanks to intensive lobbying by cyberactivists around the world, Greenpeace prevails against and attempt by Flag of Convenience States to remove the organisation from the International Maritime Organisation, the UN body charged with regulating shipping worldwide. Greenpeace action against unsafe oil tankers, such as the Prestige, had led to the ouster attempt on purported "safety" grounds. More
August 2003: The Deni, indiginous peoples of the Amazon, celebrate the end of an 18-year campaign to mark their land as protected from logging. 13 Greenpeace volunteers, including a member of the cyberactivist community, used GPS technology and a helicopter for a month to create an "eco-corridor" around 3.6 million hectares of land. More
May 2003: Intense lobbying efforts by Greenpeace and Global Witness results in UN Sanctions on Liberia for illegal logging. More
February 26, 2003: A French court agrees to lift an injunction against Greenpeace for creating a parody version of the Esso logo. In July Greenpeace was ordered to remove the logo from its website. On appeal, the court agreed the depiction on a website branding the oil giant Environmental Enemy Number One was protected speech. More
February 15, 2003: 30 million people worldwide create the largest anti-war protest in the history of humankind. More
February 7, 2003: McDonalds in Denmark bows to pressure and takes a leadership position in opening its first restaurants that use no climate-killing checmicals for refrigeration. A campaign by Greenpeace cyberactivists three years ago had led to a similar decision by Coca Cola to phase out HFC/HCFCs and adopt Greenpeace's innovative "Greenfreeze" technology. More
2002: Brazil declares a moratorium on export of Mahogany following revelations of the extent of illegal logging and timber trade. Greenpeace actions around the world help enforce the ban. More
2002: The European Union, followed by Japan, ratifies the Kyoto Protocol on climate change. Intensive Greenpeace lobbying must continue because, for the protocol to enter into force, 55 parties to the convention must ratify it.
2002: Greenpeace helps defeat a major drive by pro-whaling nation Japan and its supporters to re-introduce commercial whaling through the International Whaling Commission. The re-introduction would have been disastrous for whales, which are now protected under the 1982 commercial whaling ban.
2001: Greenpeace turns 30 years old in September. The environmental group has grown from a small band of inspired volunteers to an international environmental organisation with offices in 30 countries. As always, Greenpeace thrives on committed activism and widespread, growing public support.
2001: After years of negotiations and pressure from Greenpeace, a global agreement for the elimination of a group of highly toxic and persistent man-made chemicals (Persistent Organic Pollutants or POPs), became a reality in May 2001 when a UN Treaty banning them is adopted.
2001: A historic agreement with logging companies is reached on the conservation of Canada's remaining coastal rainforest and approved by the government of British Columbia. This follows years of campaigning by Greenpeace, most recently targeting the trade and investments of companies involved in logging the endangered Great Bear Rainforest.
2001: Greenpeace lobbying, together with earlier expeditions to the Southern and Atlantic Oceans exposing flag of convenience (FOC or "pirate") vessels, are instrumental in the adoption of an "international plan of action" to combat illegal fishing in international waters.
2000-2001: An ever increasing and significant number of European retailers, food producers, and subsidiaries of multinational companies guaranteed to keep genetically engineered ingredients out of their products due to consumer pressure. Thanks to its consumer networks in 15 countries, Greenpeace tests products, collects information about food products and policies and exposes contamination cases.
2000: Further to Greenpeace's April-May expedition exposing pirate fishing in the Atlantic, an import ban is adopted on all bigeye tuna caught by FOC vessels in the Atlantic.
2000: Turkey's plans to build its first nuclear reactors at Akkuyu as part of a larger project to construct 10 reactors by the year 2020, is finally cancelled in July after eight years of campaigning by Greenpeace and others. The only remaining market for all major western nuclear companies is China.
2000: The Biosafety Protocol is adopted in Montreal, Canada. It aims to protect the environment and human health from risks of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) by controlling international trade of GMOs. Greenpeace has campaigned to stop the irreversible release of GMOs into the environment and to protect biodiversity from genetic pollution since 1995. More
1999: Nine countries ban the use of harmful phthalates in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) toys for children under three and the EU introduces an "emergency" ban on soft PVC teething toys.
1999: Japan is ordered to stop "experimental" fishing of Southern Bluefin Tuna by the International Law of the Sea Tribunal.
1998: The Environmental Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty comes into force. More
1998: A historic accord, the OSPAR Convention, bans the dumping of offshore installations at sea in the North-East Atlantic. The Convention also agrees on the phasing-out of radioactive and toxic discharges, as proposed by Greenpeace. More
1998: The oil company Shell finally agrees to bring its infamous offshore installation, the Brent Spar, to land for recycling. Greenpeace campaigned since 1995 to persuade the oil company not to dump disused installations in the ocean. More
1998: After 15 years of campaigning by Greenpeace, the EU finally agrees to phase out driftnet fishing by its fleets in EU and international waters by the end of 2001. France, Italy, the UK and Ireland, continued driftnetting in the North-East Atlantic and Mediterranean after Japan, Taiwan and Korea stopped driftnet fishing on the high seas when the worldwide ban came into force at the end of 1992.
1998: Logging giant MacMillan Bloedel announces it will phase out clearcut logging activities in British Columbia, Canada.
1997: After campaigning for urgent action to protect the climate since 1988 by Greenpeace and others, ministers from industrialised nations adopt the Kyoto Protocol agreeing to set legally-binding reduction targets on greenhouse gases.
1997: Greenpeace collects the UNEP Ozone Award for the development of Greenfreeze, a domestic refrigerator free of ozone depleting and significant global warming chemicals.
1996: The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) is adopted at the United Nations. More

Greenpeace stopped the dumping of the Brent Spar and other at-sea installations, in a campaign against using the oceans as a dumping ground.
1995: Greenpeace actions to stop French nuclear testing receive wide international attention. Over seven million people sign petitions calling for a stop to testing. France, UK, US, Russia and China commit to sign the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
1995 Following a submission made with Greenpeace support, UNESCO designates Russia's Komi Forest as a World Heritage Site.
1994 After years of Greenpeace actions against whaling, the Antarctic whale sanctuary, proposed by France and supported by Greenpeace, is approved by the International Whaling Commission.
1994 Greenpeace actions exposing toxic waste trade from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to non-OECD countries culminate in government negotiation of the Basel Convention banning this practice.
1993 The London Dumping Convention permanently bans the dumping at sea of radioactive and industrial waste world-wide. More
1992 France cancels this year's nuclear tests at Moruroa Atoll, following the Rainbow Warrior visit to the test zone, and vows to halt altogether if other nuclear nations follow suit.
1992 Worldwide ban on high seas large-scale driftnets comes into force.
1991 Major German publishers go chlorine-free after Greenpeace produces chlorine-free edition of Der Spiegel as part of campaign against chlorine-bleaching.
1988 Following at sea actions, and submissions by Greenpeace, a world-wide ban on incinerating organochlorine waste at sea is agreed by the London Dumping Convention.
1985 French nuclear testing in the South Pacific again becomes the subject of international controversy, particularly following the sinking of Greenpeace's ship, the Rainbow Warrior, by the French Secret Services.
1983 The Parties to the London Dumping Convention call for a moratorium on radioactive waste dumping at sea. As a result of Greenpeace's repeated actions against ocean dumping, this is the first year since the end of the second world war where officially no radioactive wastes are dumped at sea.
1982 After at sea actions against whalers, a whaling moratorium is adopted by the International Whaling Commission.
1982 EC bans import of seal pup skins in response to public criticism triggered by Greenpeace actions in Canada.
1975 France ends atmospheric tests in the South Pacific after Greenpeace protests at the test site.
1972 After the first Greenpeace action in 1971, the US abandons nuclear testing grounds at Amchitka Island, Alaska.
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